December 31, 2005

Finally! A command to hold down keys!

Categories: Natlink/Vocola for beginners, Free & easy tools

The repeat keystroke command has literally changed the way I use Dragon.  A kind soul authored and shared a Natlink script to enable Dragon users to hold down keys and combinations of keys continuously by voice.

And, thankfully, you can use it without knowing any scripting languages whatsoever.

Simply do the following:
Install Natlink/Vocola
  1. Download the repeat keys script, unzip the file, and save it in your My Documents\Natlink directory

  2. Restart your computer

  3. Start taking advantage of commands like "repeat left", "repeat delete", "repeat select down", etc

If you want to add even more key combinations, right click on the repeat keystrokes script file, open it in Notepad and follow the instructions for modifying the file.  You can do this at any time.    

Hi Melissa,

Would you have any idea how to get the repeat keys script to work in a game environment, specifically World of Warcraft? DNS and Vocola work pretty well in it, but this script doesn't run.

Thanks for the all the great info you've provided on Natlink/Vocola.


Unfortunately I can't help you there, but perhaps try emailing the Natpython mailing list. Someone there may be able to answer your question.
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You don't have to understand how Natlink/Vocola works to use any of the Vocola commands on this site or on speech wiki

Just follow this procedure to incorporate a Vocola command into your Dragon setup:

1. Install Natlink/Vocola.

2. Restart your computer.

3. If the command is for a particular application, open that application and say "edit VoiceCommands" OR If the command is global, say "edit global VoiceCommands".

A blank command file will display.

4. Copy the Vocola command that you want to use to the clipboard (from this site or from speech wiki).

5. Go back to the command file you just displayed, and paste the command on a new line anywhere in the file.

6. Say "refresh macros" to save the commands.

7. Close the command file window.

You're now able to use the new command.

NOTE: Natlink/Vocola is free, versatile and compatible with all editions of DNS (you can even use it to create commands with Standard editions), but it has its quirks. If you're looking for a complete command set with user support, you may want to consider a buying product like Knowbrainer or hiring an SR professional to customise commands for you.

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